Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Post #1!!

Well well well... here I am... finally doing something I've been thinking about for ages but simultaneously justifying putting it off for one reason or another....  I've finally plucked up the courage to just get on with it and start my blog!  The first is always the hardest, right?  ;)

I want this page to be mostly about the creative things I make - primarily my jewellery and also my photography (more on that later) :  ~  a place where I can show new things I've made, share new ideas and inspirations, & inevitably very occasionally ramble on about totally unrelated things that are buzzing around my head!!

You may already know a bit about what I do, but I figured its always nice to find out a bit more about 'the person behind the page'.... So, if you're interested, my next post will hopefully be a little window into my world & introduce myself really!
I remember my parents evenings when I was at school, there was a reoccurring comment from teachers - and fundamentally I clearly haven't changed..."Catherine works very hard but does chat quite a lot"!

So hopefully you will enjoy my blog, I can't promise to post every day or even every week, but I will try and keep it interesting and hope we can enjoy having a natter along the way!

Thank you for popping by, and hello!

C x


  1. Hello, fancy seeing you here! hehe x

  2. Hello right back at ya! Heres to a long and prosperous bloglife.......CHEERS :) xxx

  3. Aww, thanks love! CHEERS!! :D xxxx

  4. Congrats Cat! x happy blogging

  5. Thanks Hilary! I'm well chuffed you've popped over! x

  6. Congrats on the new blog, Cat! Good luck! <3

  7. Hooray, Hooray! Am loving the new blog! Its my turn to support yours ;) Ax

  8. Cheers m'dears! Better get on with my next post then eh!!! :D xx
